Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

Rhyl , Offshore UK

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Gwynt y Mor OWF with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Rhyl Flats OWF , Offshore UK 7.5191UK19
Douglas platform , Offshore UK 10.7016DGL
North Hoyle OWF , Offshore UK 12.2105UK16
Hamilton platform , Offshore UK 17.6040
Glan-y-Don , Wales 18.2197
Rhuddlan , Wales 19.4151

  Gwynt y Mor OWF

2015 to present

53° 26' 45'' N     3° 37' 30'' W
c 9nm NW Rhyl, Rhyl, Offshore UK
ICAO: IATA: Local: UK09

Gwynt y Môr OWF consists of c 160 turbines in c 25m of water, spread over c 70 sq km, commissioned in Jun 2015, with a remote control centre near Mostyn on the Flintshire coast.

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