NEWS | CH Air Glaciers SA

Swiss Companies Air Zermatt and Air Glaciers to Merge

The two Swiss famous helicopter services companies of the Valais canton, Air Glaciers and Air Zermatt, will merge but they will retain separate names

Swiss Companies Air Zermatt and Air Glaciers to Merge
Air Glaciers, March 15, 2020 - "Two world famous names, two strong teams sharing in one and the same spirit a common goal: the good of the customers and the saved people", this is what binds the two companies.

Bruno Bagnoud, founder of Air-Glaciers SA, has chosen the occasion of his 85th birthday to retire from the management of the Company while ensuring the transition with his successor, who will be appointed shortly.

He will remain at the disposal of the Company whose next general meeting of April 4, 2020 will be the occasion to appoint him honorary president.

The merger of the two Valais companies is undoubtedly the right decision to secure the future.

As Bruno Bagnoud already said 5 years ago: the time to go it alone is over. The two companies, the two brands and the two strong names will remain but we will strive to become even better and even more efficient thanks to common forces.

The regional roots of the two companies in their home markets - Air-Glaciers SA mainly in central Valais and Bas-Valais, Air Zermatt AG mainly in Haut-Valais - should remain and will remain so, as will the bodies - boards of directors and management - will remain separate.

It is a unique chance that the two pioneers of the Valais air rescue services - Bruno Bagnoud and Beat Perren, who are also the founders of the two companies - have joined the destinies of their companies.

“Their” two companies each have more than 50 years of experience and have left their mark on the development of air rescue in Valais, which has become essential.

With the merger they have concluded, Air-Glaciers SA and Air Zermatt AG are acquiring the means to successfully face the challenges of the next hundred years.

More precise details will be communicated after the next general meeting of Air-Glaciers SA

  See also

CH Air Glaciers SA
CH Air Zermatt AG
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