NEWS | Bell 407GX

Flight Data Monitoring for Bell 407GX

Truth Data provides flight operations and quality assurance (FOQA) and flight data monitoring (FDM) services from the Garmin G1000 Integrated Flight Deck for the Bell 407GX

 Flight Data Monitoring for Bell 407GX
Truth Data, October 16, 2017 - Fort Worth, Texas – Truth Data announces that it now has proven its capability to read and analyze flight data from the Garmin G1000 Integrated Flight Deck, such as is installed on the Bell 407GX.

Truth Data provides flight operations and quality assurance (FOQA) and flight data monitoring (FDM) services for data analytics, post-flight visualization and reporting to both rotorcraft and fixed-wing operators of all sizes.

“We are fully capable of supporting any and all Air Medial operators with FOQA and FDM services,” says Peter Henrikson, president of Truth Data. “A lot of these operators fly the 407GX, so it’s nice to have that one ‘in the barn’ as well.”

In a 2011 article in Flying Magazine about the Bell 407GX, Stephen Pope states: “We examine Garmin G1000’s helicopter debut and wonder, why on earth didn’t somebody do this sooner?” The same could be said about using data from the G1000, as not many operators have even been aware that it also records. “Now that we’ve got experience with the G1000 and have added it to the long list of hardware we can support, a lot of possibilities have opened up for us,” says Matt Hilton, Director of Technology at Truth Data, “the 407GX is a very popular aircraft and the people at Bell have been a huge help in this process.”

According to the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Helicopter Air Ambulance (HAA) rule (FAR 135.607), all operators with 10 or more aircraft are required to implement FDM systems by April 23, 2018. Truth Data offers FDM services and statistical analysis and is already providing this service to Air Methods, the largest EMS operator in the world and Toll, the largest in Australia.

"With the expansion of the Bell 407GX in the Air Methods' fleet, we are looking forward to leveraging every source of data coming from the aircraft. One of Truth Data's strengths is their ability to analyze G1000 data as well as other flight data recording sources," said Cory Theriot of Air Methods.

About Truth Data: Truth Data brings a new level of safety and efficiency to helicopter operators by providing FOQA and FDM services by drawing on decades of aviation experience, both military and civilian, to support operators in all market segments worldwide.

  See also

Bell 407GX
US Garmin
helicopter Helicopters Software
US Truth Data State of Texas





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