NEWS | Boeing FARA

Boeing Unveils US Army FARA Proposal

Boeing reveals its proposal for the US Army Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) design competition

“Agile, purpose-built and designed for the Army’s evolving missions”. Five companies pre-selected by US Army for the FARA competition

Boeing Unveils US Army FARA Proposal
Boeing, March 03, 2020 - MESA, Arizona — Boeing s offering the U.S. Army an agile, fully integrated, purpose-built system for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype competition.

Boeing FARA is designed to meet the Army’s current mission needs while evolving as technologies and missions change.

The thrust compounded single-main rotor helicopter boasts a six-bladed rotor system, a single engine, tandem seating and a modular, state-of-the-art cockpit with a reconfigurable large area display and autonomous capabilities.

“We’re offering more than a helicopter – we’re offering an affordable and fully integrated system for the Army, the mission and the future. We’ve blended innovation, ingenuity and proven rotorcraft experience with extensive testing and advanced analysis to offer a very compelling solution,” said Mark Cherry, vice president and general manager of Boeing’s Phantom Works.

The fly-by-wire design leverages more than 65 years of rotorcraft experience, proven advanced and additive manufacturing technology, and product commonality driving down risk and costs. The system will provide seamless capability within the Army ecosystem to include Long-Range Precision Fires and air-launched effects.

“We listened to the Army, assessed all alternatives, and optimized our design to provide the right aircraft to meet the requirements,” said Shane Openshaw, Boeing FARA program manager. “We are offering a very reliable, sustainable and flexible aircraft with a focus on safety and the future fight.”

FARA will fill a critical gap in Army aviation for an advanced light attack and reconnaissance capability, previously held by the now-retired Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior.

Boeing Unveils US Army FARA Proposal


It would be better looking only with the pusher propeller and a NOTAR system
The RAH-66 Comanche was a better looking FARA
        indeed  https://www.helis.com/database/model/RAH-66-Comanche/

  See also

Boeing FARA
Boeing High-Speed Apache
Bell 360 Invictus Announced for US Army FARA
Sikorsky Unveils Raider X for US Army FARA video





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