NEWS | US Helimax Aviation

Firefighter Chinook Tracking System

Helimax Aviation new underslung bucket additional telemetry unit (ATU) onboard tracking system successfully tested on its CH-47D Chinook currently deployed in Australia

Firefighter Chinook Tracking System
Helimax Aviation, December 06, 2017 - Helimax Aviation has successfully completed the development, installation and testing of its underslung bucket additional telemetry unit (ATU) onboard tracking system on its CH-47D aircraft, currently deployed near Sydney, Australia.

Helimax Aviation has been working with Trotter Controls, the leader in telemetry units to develop onboard underslung bucket tracking.

“Slung buckets present a range of unique challenges, and Helimax’s commitment to solving them has enabled us to deliver a pioneering and practical solution,” said David Coward, DataVault product manager for Trotter Controls.

“We’re able to generate the full range of telemetry messages (start, engine on/off, takeoff/landing, hover entry/exit, drop/refill) giving the CH-47 the identical telemetry capability of any tanked aircraft.”

“We are focused on giving our customers what they need to keep up with technology and better approach aerial wildland firefighting,” said Patrick Pilolla, business development director for Helimax.

Best Value per Gallon / Liter Delivered

“The underslung bucket remains an important tool in the firefighters’ toolbox, and we want to ensure it is updated to give agencies the best value per gallon/liter delivered. This now allows tracking of 2,000 gallons (7,570 liters) [of] bucket data to the same requirements of aerial tanks.”

Helimax has added this to further improve its SEI power fill bucket. It has also replaced the power fill impeller and motor with an electric Kawak unit for increased reliability and ease of maintenance.

Each ATU will record and transmit its data via TracPlus and the Iridium network, and per aerial tank requirements for the USFS and NAFC. This data is to include times, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, drop start and stop, volume on board, and volume dropped.

  See also

US Helimax Aviation
Commercial CH-47 in US CHI Aviation
helicopter Helicopters Firefighting





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