NEWS | Ka-32A11BC in RU Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters at CIEPE 2016

Russian Helicopters taking part in the 8th Asia Pacific China Police (CIEPE 2016) exhibition of police equipment and munition in Beijing May 17-29

Russian Helicopters at CIEPE 2016
Rostec, May 16, 2016 - Russian Helicopters will take part in the eighth Asia Pacific China Police 2016 (CIEPE) exhibition of police equipment and munition, which will take place in Beijing from May 17 to 29.

At the exhibition, the holding is going to demonstrate current and new models of helicopters.

The product range of the holding's helicopters will be represented with multipurpose helicopter Ka-32A11BC. This aircraft has been certified in China now, and as the holding points out, has a high potential of application on the markets of the region countries.

The Ka-32A11BC is designed to perform special search and rescue operations, casevac operations, transportation of suspended loads. Furthermore, it performs firefighting tasks on high-rise buildings where ladders of fire brigades cannot reach from the ground. The helicopter may also be used for evacuation of people from the roofs of skyscrapers in the event of fire.

The aircraft is capable of operating even under the concentrated smoke and dust conditions. The purchase of Ka-32A11BCs is particularly topical for metropolitan cities that have numbers of skyscrapers.

At the CIEPE exhibition, the Russian Helicopters holding will also present a medical version of the Ansat multipurpose light helicopter. This version of the aircraft is applicable for medical evacuation, continuous monitoring of state of an injured person, taking of life-sustaining measures, and delivery of intensive therapy by the medical team in the course of evacuation.

Within the framework of the exhibition’s business program, Russian Helicopters is going to run the "Application of Russian helicopters in performance of tasks of Chinese police" conference. The holding specialists will tell potential customers about the feasibility of application of Russian helicopters in the protection of public order, road traffic management, as well as carrying out of measures on prevention of crime, extremism and terrorism.

"Elimination of borders between countries in the era of globalization raises new challenges for maintenance of domestic security of states. With the increase of terrorist threats, provision of law and safety comes to the fore. In this regard, demand for helicopters capable to perform tasks of police forces efficiently has been raising", pointed Alexander Shcherbinin, Deputy Director General for Marketing and Business Development of the Russian Helicopters holding.

He also emphasized that the Asian and Pacific Region united the fastest growing countries of the world, which are actually large importers of helicopters.

  See also

Ka-32A11BC in RU Russian Helicopters
CN China





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