NEWS | Ka-62 in RU Russian Helicopters

Ka-62 at the 2018 Eastern Economic Forum

Russian Ka-62 performed first flight to Vladivostok, Russia. Will be on display at the campus of Far East Federal University for the 2018 Eastern Economic Forum, Sept. 11-13

Ka-62 at the 2018 Eastern Economic Forum
Russian Helicopters, September 09, 2018 - The newest model of the civil multipurpose helicopter Ka-62, manufactured by the Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company plant, a Russian Helicopters subsidiary, has made its first flight to Vladivostok, Russia, and has landed on the campus of Far East Federal University, where it will be presented to the participants and guests of the 2018 Eastern Economic Forum, Sept. 11 to 13.

The first test flight of the Ka-62 took place in May 2017. Over the past year, flight tests were conducted, which resulted in improvements to the reliability of the helicopter.

In particular, the design of the body of the steering screw and the tail unit has been improved and strengthened, and a standard-design transmission has been installed.

Upon completion of all necessary work, the Ka-62 helicopter performed a series of regular and stable test flights in accordance with the test program, which confirmed its high performance and low fuel consumption compared to its competitors. During the final flight of the test program, the helicopter flew 162 miles (260 kilometers).

“First of all, I would like to congratulate our employees, testers and designers — they perfectly know what a difficult project this has been,” said Andrei Boginsky, general director of Russian Helicopters. “Nevertheless, we decided to continue it, and over the past year we have been able to make significant progress, both in terms of the construction of the helicopter and in determining specific directions for its use.

“All this is especially important taking into account the tasks to increase the segment of manufactured civil products and to preserve the production load of Progress.”

Factory tests of the Ka-62 are planned to be completed by the end of 2018, at which point certification will begin.

The civilian multipurpose helicopter Ka-62 is designed for passenger transportation; offshore work; emergency medical assistance; aerial work and surveillance; cargo transportation inside the cabin and external suspension; patrolling; and environmental monitoring.

Due to the high altitude of the practical ceiling and the high thrust of engines, the Ka-62 can also carry out search-and-rescue and evacuation operations in mountainous areas. The helicopter uses fully domestic on-board radio-electronic equipment with the latest control system for all-helicopter equipment (SUVO).

  See also

Ka-62 in RU Russian Helicopters
Ka-62 Being Prepared for Flight Tests





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