NEWS | Boeing German CH-47 Chinook

Boeing Submitted Chinook Proposal to Germany

Boeing submitted its Chinook proposal to Germany’s Heavy Lift Helicopter tender (STH, Schwerer Transporthubschrauber) to compete against the Sikorsky CH-53K. Ten German companies are part of the H-47 Chinook Team in a competition for 44/60 helicopters to replace the aging CH-53G

The Germany Heavy Lift Helicopter competition contract is expected to be awarded in 2021

Boeing Submitted Chinook Proposal to Germany
Boeing, January 14, 2020 - BERLIN, Germany – Boeing has submitted its response to the STH invitation to tender for Germany’s New Heavy Lift Helicopter program, also known as Schwerer Transporthubschrauber (STH).

The response was submitted yesterday, 13 January.

The STH invitation to tender was issued on 24 June 2019 by the German procurement authority, specifically, the Federal Office of Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw).

A contract award is expected in 2021 for the acquisition of 44 to 60 aircraft, including sustainment and training.

“We’re pleased to have submitted our response and look forward to working with the BAAINBw and German industry to bring the best value proposition to the German Bundeswehr,” said Michael Hostetter, vice president of Boeing Defense, Space & Security in Germany. “The H-47 Chinook is a one of a kind platform capable of performing missions that other helicopters cannot. It is a proven multi-mission heavy lift helicopter with advanced technology that meets the German requirements.”

Today, there are more than 950 Chinook aircraft operating in 20 countries, including eight NATO member countries (the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Spain, Turkey, UK, Canada, and the United States).

The Chinook will provide immediate interoperability to Germany while meeting a wide range of mission needs. As the world’s most proven heavy lift helicopter, the Chinook has a track record of on-time delivery and first time quality, with the lowest operating and acquisition costs and a technology roadmap that will keep it relevant for decades to come.

“We are committed to having the sustainment and training as well as parts of the production done in Germany,” said Dr. Michael Haidinger, president of Boeing Germany. “We will continue to build on and expand our Germany Industry Team for the H-47 Chinook Schwerer Transporthubschrauber competition. In addition, we are committed to bringing high end engineering and production opportunities from across the Boeing enterprise to German industry.”

About Boeing in Germany: Boeing [NYSA: BA] is a strong contributor to the German economy. The company employs more than 1,000 people at 11 locations throughout Germany and sustains thousands of additional jobs through its supply chain and other activities. Boeing and its supply chain partners spend almost $1.3 billion per year through an established network of suppliers across Germany. Boeing also works with many more sub-tier and German-owned suppliers worldwide.

Germany is a key market for Boeing’s investment in research and technology partnerships. Boeing has established two research sites in Germany – a Research & Technology Office in Munich and Digital Solutions & Analytics Lab in Frankfurt – and invests in a growing portfolio of research and technology projects with German industry, universities and research organizations.


Cheaper and better than the CH53K in my opinion. Good luck deciding!
Yes - buy it!

  See also

German Heavy Lift Helicopter Replacement
Boeing German CH-47 Chinook
Boeing Announced German Team for H-47 Chinook video
CH-53K Formally Enters Germany’s STH Competition video





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