NEWS | Ka-226T in RU Russian Helicopters

Ka-226T Certified for High Temperatures

Russian Federal Aviation Agency (Rosaviation) issued supplement type certificate (STC) for Ka-226T operation at high temperatures

Ka-226T Certified for High Temperatures
Rostec, March 15, 2018 - Russian Federal Aviation Agency (Rosaviation) has issued a supplement to the certificate for Ka-226T helicopter that allows the machine operation at high temperatures.

The document makes it possible to start exporting the helicopters to countries with the hot climate. Ka-226T is a product of Russian Helicopters Holding, a subsidiary of Rostec State Corporation.

The Rosaviation issued certificate has become a result of testing, carried out by Russian Helicopters specialists and Iran Helicopter Support and Renewal Company technicians in Iran in September 2017. The testing was done in order to prove normal functioning of the machine at outdoor temperature of up to 50 °С.

“The potential users of our helicopter had a chance to learn about its capabilities at a news conference we had upon completion of the testing in Iran last fall. Naturally, the official approval will help us negotiate with companies interested to purchase the machine”, said Russian Helicopters Holding Director General Andrey Boginsky acknowledged.

Ka-226T light multi-purpose helicopter features two turbo shaft 580 h. p. engines and full electronic control as well as modern airborne avionics. Operating speed is 220 km/h, operating ceiling - 5700 m. The machine has gross take-off weight of 3.6 tons and can carry up to 1 ton of cargo. Operation efficiency, compliance with modern ecological standards and modern aviation equipment are the features that ensure Ka-226T helicopter one of the top positions among other helicopters of the same class.

The model incorporates modular design and can be easily adapted for different functionalities. It can be operated from small-sized touchdown sites and heliport decks, is suitable for around-the-clock operation, and boasts of unlimited all-weather capability.

  See also

Ka-226T in RU Russian Helicopters
Russia to Test Ka-226T in Iran





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