NEWS | Mi-171A3 in RU Russian Helicopters

Mi-171A3 Helicopter at Innoprom 2022

Russian Helicopters presented a mockup of the Mi-171A3 offshore helicopter and BAS-200 drone at the Innoprom-2022 Industrial Exhibition

Mi-171A3 Helicopter at Innoprom 2022
Rostec, July 10, 2022 - The Russian Helicopters holding company takes part in the Innoprom-2022 International Industrial Exhibition.

As part of the unified exposition of the Rostec State Corporation, the holding presented a model of the Mi-171A3 offshore helicopter, as well as the BAS-200 unmanned aerial vehicle.

The new Mi-171A3 helicopter is designed to ensure the technological independence of companies in the fuel and energy complex, as well as to improve the efficiency of search and rescue operations in the Arctic region.

The development of the Mi-171A3 began in 2018. The helicopter meets the increased safety requirements for flights over the water surface, fully complies with the IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) standards. At the same time, the Mi-171A3 has unique transport capabilities in its class: the maximum takeoff weight of the machine is 13 tons, it can carry up to 24 passengers, while the maximum flight range exceeds 800 km.

On the eve of the exhibition, the Mi-171A3 made its first flight in a circle lasting 25 minutes. According to the results of tests carried out on the basis of the National Center for Helicopter Engineering. M.L. Mil and N.I. Kamov, the serviceability of the systems and equipment of the helicopter was confirmed. The flight marked the beginning of a new stage in the work on the Mi-171A3 - the beginning of flight preliminary and certification tests.

“The helicopter is in great demand – thanks to its flight performance, it will, without exaggeration, be indispensable in the fuel and energy complex, and will increase the efficiency of servicing offshore drilling platforms remote from the coast. In addition, due to the ability to work in conditions of low visibility, in the complete absence of natural landmarks and ground-based radio navigation support, the Mi-171A3 will expand the possibilities for conducting search and rescue operations at sea, in the Arctic, ”said Mil and Kamov, chief designer of NTSV Mil and Kamov of the Russian Helicopters holding. Sergey Kayumov.

Mi-171A3 Helicopter at Innoprom 2022

  See also

Mi-171A3 in RU Russian Helicopters
Oil and Gas Industry in International
Russian Helicopters BAS-200





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