NEWS | US PHI Offshore PHI Inc

IRIS Safety Tool for Oil and Gas Helicopter Operators

The IRIS Continuous Vehicle Operational Monitoring (CVOM) provides constant monitoring of all the aircraft systems’ cautions and warnings. PHI begins fielding systems later this year

  • The IRIS Continuous Vehicle Operational Monitoring (CVOM) provides constant monitoring of all the aircraft systems’ cautions and warnings. PHI begins fielding systems later this year

    The IRIS Continuous Vehicle Operational Monitoring (CVOM) provides constant monitoring of all the aircraft systems’ cautions and warnings. PHI begins fielding systems later this year

  • Outerlink answers the call of Oil and Gas helicopter operators

Outerlink, May 06, 2015 - Shreveport, Louisiana – Operators who support global Oil & Gas producers are known for their high standard of helicopter operations.

In recent years, the desire to increase connectivity to the aircraft coupled with the sharp decline in world oil prices has posed a particularly difficult economic challenge to those companies. As the need for enhanced safety and reliability across helicopter fleets increases, Outerlink is answering the call to provide the hardware and service to capture and transmit live aircraft data. Leading the industry, PHI begins fielding systems later this year.

The Outerlink’s IRIS system was designed to bridge the gap in capability to offshore operators at an exceptionally low rate.

IRIS provides Continuous Vehicle Operational Monitoring (CVOM) at an astounding ten second interval for less than a tenth (1/10) of the cost of sending data over other tracking devices.

The IRIS CVOM provides constant monitoring of all the aircraft systems’ cautions and warnings along with three (3) streaming, selectable live aircraft parameters in each 10-second update.

Unique to the IRIS solution is the ability to offer a software communications platform that customers and/or OEM’s can use for their own applications to manage all aircraft systems’ data and transmit useful data on demand. Secure data routing to multiple locations provides maximum efficiency at no additional cost to the operator.

With a direct focus on providing operators with new cost saving safety tools, the IRIS system adds a Global Push To Talk (PTT) VOIP radio capability as standard equipment which will allow operators to save thousands of dollars by being able to eliminate reliance on, and support of, antiquated and costly VHF networks.

Outerlink is a member of the new Heli Offshore organization and will be attending the first annual conference in Lisbon to ensure they can continue to tailor the IRIS system capabilities to the current and future safety needs of the entire global offshore community.

About Outerlink: Outerlink Global Solutions is focused on providing organizations with solutions to identify and mitigate risks. IRIS is a turnkey solution for maintaining operational control and oversight from a single corporate operator to fleet operations. Combining the four key elements of monitoring, alerting, tracking and communication, IRIS exceeds any system commercially available today.

  See also

US PHI Offshore PHI Inc
Oil and Gas Industry in International
helicopter Helicopters Avionics
US Outerlink Global Solutions State of Massachusetts





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