NEWS | Ka-62 in RU Russian Helicopters

Improved Control System for Ka-62

Russian Helicopters Ka-62 will receive an improved control system for onboard equipment developed by KRET. SUOVO is the heart of the power supply of all the helicopter’s electronic systems

Improved Control System for Ka-62
Rostec, June 13, 2021 - KRET Holding of Rostec State Corporation will present an improved control system for onboard equipment for the Ka-62 multipurpose helicopter at the International Aviation and Space Salon.

The updated equipment will reduce the workload on the crew, reduce the weight of the equipment used in the vehicle and facilitate the maintenance of the helicopter.

The control system for general helicopter equipment (SUOVO) was developed by Aeropribor-Voskhod JSC of the KRET Concern specifically for the Ka-62.

The equipment, which includes switching units, units of remote signal concentrators and control panels, serves more than 30 helicopter systems, being the heart of the power supply of all electronic on-board equipment of the helicopter.

After the presentation of the system by the developers, during the tests, comments from customers and pilots were received and taken into account. So, for example, the tilt angle and architecture of the upper control panel of the SUOVO, as well as the dashboard, have been changed, which makes it easier to use and saves time for making decisions when driving.

“As a result of the upgrade of the SUOVO system, it was possible to significantly improve the operational qualities of the multipurpose helicopter, including reducing the workload on the aircraft crew, reducing the weight of the onboard equipment and facilitating the maintenance process. Currently, three Ka-62 helicopters are being tested. By the end of the year, we plan to produce three sets of SUOVOs and transfer them for flight and qualification tests, ”said Nikolay Kolesov, General Director of KRET.

Among the key functions of the SUOVO are the distribution of power supply on board and the provision of an alarm system. The remote signal concentrator unit included in the system has an open modular design. The open architecture of the system blocks allows you to create devices with the necessary functionality, the degree of duplication and redundancy, but at the same time avoiding redundancy, which, in turn, allows you to reduce the weight of equipment, energy consumption and its cost.

A permanent participant of the International Aviation and Space Salon, "Concern Radioelectronic Technologies" will present at MAKS-2021 about 200 samples of products of the leading domestic enterprises of the radioelectronic industry, among which there will be about 20 innovative developments.


Wish these would come state side, would be great to check them out.

  See also

Ka-62 in RU Russian Helicopters
RU КRET Russian Helicopters
helicopter Helicopters Avionics





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