NEWS | US Metro Aviation

Metro Aviation Celebrates 35 Years

Metro Aviation began in 1982 as a helicopter charter, flight training and maintenance operation. Today operates 140 aircraft for 36 programs across the United States

Metro Aviation Celebrates 35 Years
Metro Aviation, March 08, 2017 - Dallas, TX – Metro Aviation began in 1982 as a helicopter charter, flight training and maintenance operation.

Today, it is the largest air medical completion center in the world and operates more than 140 aircraft for 36 programs across the United States.

This year, the company celebrates its 35th anniversary and is reflecting on its strong heritage and tradition.

Metro has launched a digital scrapbook,, which is a collection of memories and stories told be the people that make up Metro Aviation.

“I attribute a lot of Metro’s success to our people. We truly have a great team behind us,” says Metro President Mike Stanberry. “Many of our employees have been here since the beginning, or shortly thereafter. Those employees, along with our outstanding partners make up the Metro Family. They have provided a solid foundation on which to build this company.”

Metro Aviation’s tradition is lined with stories of safety, quality and customer service, a mantra that echoes through the halls of the company. Metro was the first air medical operator to equip its entire fleet with Night Vision Goggles (NVG’s), first to require that all pilots be IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) current and qualified, first to send 100% of its pilots to simulator training and, in 2014, was one of only three organizations to achieve Level IV of the FAA Safety Management System Pilot Project for Part 135 operators. Metro may quite possibly have been the first to utilize video recording in the cockpit, first rigged up in the 90’s by Managing Director Milton Geltz with a camera from the local audiovisual store, a memory that will make an appearance on in the coming months.

Aside from its completion and operations business, Metro is also the parent company to PAC International, Outerlink Global Solutions and the Helicopter Flight Training Center. Together, the Metro Companies create a well-rounded brand to meet the needs of the helicopter community. PAC International in Pennsylvania has a rich tradition dating back to 1976, and serves as a completion center for Metro customers in the North East, as well as its own customers, including a steady stream of international operators. Metro acquired Outerlink Global Solutions to merge with its other acquisition, North Flight Data Systems, to create the most technologically advanced system for flight tracking, communications and data monitoring. That system is known as IRIS. In 2012, Metro opened the Helicopter Flight Training Center, catering to pilots, mechanics and communication specialists.

As Metro reflects on the past 35 years, they are also looking to the future. The company has increased its presence in South America and is welcoming a large number of international customers to the Helicopter Flight Training Center. In addition, Metro welcomed three new operations customers in the past six months and is on track to complete nearly 30 aircraft in 2017.

Metro Aviation is displaying at HELI-EXPO in Dallas, March 7-9, at Booth #9342. For more information, attend the press event on the Metro booth on Wednesday, March 8 at 11am or visit

  See also

US Metro Aviation





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