NEWS | Mi-26T2 in RU МЧС России

Mi-26T2 for Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to receive the first upgraded Mi-26T2. The Mi-26T2 is an upgraded variant of the largest helicopter of the world

Mi-26T2 for Ministry of Emergency Situations
Russian Helicopters, August 25, 2020 - The Mi-26T2 is an upgraded version of the Mi-26T heavy helicopter. It received modern avionics, which made it possible not only to use it day or night and in adverse weather conditions and fly over non-orientated terrain, but also to reduce the crew to 3 people.

"Rostec supplies the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a line of helicopters that are used for rescue operations, medical evacuation, firefighting and other tasks. The Mi-26T2 is the latest upgrade of the world's heavy lifting helicopter, which significantly expands the possibilities for its use in accordance with the most modern requirements for airborne electronic equipment and flight safety. The Mi-26T2 is serial produced and has already been supplied to foreign customers who have appreciated this upgrade. I am sure that the extended capabilities of the Mi-26T2 will be in demand even performing the most difficult tasks that EMERCOM of Russia is facing every day. " , said the general director of the Russian Helicopters holding Andrey Boginsky .

The Mi-26T2 is equipped with a modern flight and navigation system. The helicopter is equipped with a "glass" cockpit (an electronic display system for instrument indicators), an inertial navigation system, Glonass and Navstar navigation systems, an early warning system for the proximity of the ground and energy-absorbing crew seats. The Mi-26T2 is equipped with a digital autopilot, which can not only guide the vehicle along the route, but also land.

The complex of on-board radio-electronic equipment can significantly reduce the workload on pilots, simplify their work, and also significantly reduce the time required to prepare for departure. Compared to the basic version, many processes are automated. Moreover, for greater security, almost all systems are duplicated.

The Mi-26T2 can reach an altitude of 4600 meters, the cruising speed of the helicopter is 255 km / h (maximum - 295 km / h). Maximum take-off weight - 56 tons with a weight of transported cargo - 20 tons. Range - 800 km with normal load (1920 km - ferry range).

The helicopter is capable of performing various tasks: evacuating up to 82 people from the scene of a disaster, or, in a sanitary version, transporting 60 wounded and 3 paramedics. The Mi-26T2 can operate as a air tanker, transporting 14,000 liters of fuel and 1,000 liters of lubricants, and of course, extinguish fires using a spray system.

Mi-26T2 for Ministry of Emergency Situations

  See also

Mi-26T2 in RU МЧС России
Mi-26 Halo in RU Russian Helicopters
RU Rostvertol Russian Helicopters





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