NEWS | EC155B1 in BE NHV

NHV Retires EC155 Fleet

Belgian helicopter services provider NHV Group sold its last 6 EC155 to Danish broker HeliGlobe. They will be delivered to Air Greenland during 2021

NHV Retires EC155 Fleet
NHV, December 16, 2020 - Ostend – NHV Group, a leading provider of Business to Business (B2B) helicopter services, announced the sale of its remaining H155 aircraft to HeliGlobe (Denmark).

The brokerage company entered into the agreement on behalf of their client Air Greenland.

The six aircraft will be delivered over a period of six months starting in the first quarter of next year.

“This phasing-out project is part of NHV’s ongoing fleet rationalization strategy. Whilst they have always served us well as we have grown our business and developed new markets, the time is right to give them a new purpose. With HeliGlobe we have found the ideal partner to give our H155 fleet a second lifecycle”, said NHV’s Fleet Manager Frederik Deley.

“The company has been actively managing its fleet by renewing older aircraft with newer technology aircraft, while also reducing the number of fleet types the company operates for oil and gas. Replacing older aircraft with newer technology aircraft provides greater efficiencies, more capabilities and improved reliability for clients, and is central to NHV’s long-term success,” added Thomas Hütsch, COO of the NHV Group.

NHV Group currently operates a standardized fleet of sixty-four aircraft. The company has recently invested in highly advanced Airbus H175, H145, Leonardo AW169 and AW139 aircraft to support new contracts.

NHV Retires EC155 Fleet


Nice souvenir on this Ops (photo) in French Guyana
Stena Icemax drilling platform. Currently in Freeport, about to drill for BPC. #oil #aim
Graham Clarkson

  See also

EC155B1 in BE NHV
Oil and Gas Industry in DK Denmark
EC155B1 in GL Air Greenland





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