NEWS | US Truth Data State of Texas

SevenBar Adds Flight Data Analysis by Truth Data

SevenBar Aviation from Texas signed multi-year agreement with Truth Data Insights for flight data monitoring, reporting and analysis services

SevenBar Adds Flight Data Analysis by Truth Data
SevenBar, November 06, 2017 - Dallas, TX — SevenBar Aviation is pleased to announce it has signed a multi-year agreement with Truth Data Insights as part of the ongoing Safety Management System expansion and flight data monitoring (FDM) initiative.

“This partnership with Truth Data Insights will allow us to further develop and fine-tune a robust and effective quality assurance program, not only for our internal purposes and operations, but for our hospital partners as well” says Sean Mulholland, Director of Safety.

SevenBar Aviation’s Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) program extends across the fleet to fixed and rotor aircraft, and SevenBar will be monitoring and collecting data in accordance with the FAA mandated April, 2018 deadline for FDM.

Data Monitoring Analysis

Truth Data draws upon years of experience in helicopter and fixed wing flight data monitoring analysis to provide tailored analytics support that is scalable for operators, large or small.

“We’re pleased to welcome SevenBar Aviation to our portfolio of air medical clients” says Peter Henrikson, President of Truth Data. He adds, “The expansion of FDM and the agility of services like ours to provide insight and actionable safety data will certainly have an effect on the overall safety performance of the air medical industry.”

Currently, Truth Data provides flight data support for a variety of domestic and international operators.

About SevenBar Aviation: SevenBar Aviation offers medical flight services to a broad array of healthcare organizations throughout the nation. Committed to safety, excellence, performance and responsiveness in aviation for 70 years, we view each new program as an opportunity to prove once again that SevenBar Aviation is unmatched in giving our partners a competitive edge in their market. Our clients have a mission. Our job is to support it.

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