NEWS | US US Army Aviation

Helicopter Square Dance Documentary Film

Won Best Short Documentary in the Santa Monica Independent Film Festival 2013

Helicopter Square Dance Documentary Film
DO-SI-DO IN THE SKY, September 28, 2013 - “DO SI DO IN THE SKY” is an exciting new documentary film about a little known era in helicopter aviation history – and just won Best Short Documentary in the Santa Monica Independent Film Festival 2013!

In 1954, the U.S. Army created a flying team that actually square danced in whimsical western dressed helicopters – and thus, the U.S. Army Helicopter Square Dance Team was born!

Director/ Producer Cameron M. Tucker and Co-producer Kevin Walker have teamed to bringing to light the story of one pilot’s journey into one of the newest technology’s in aviation: the helicopter. The film follows the heart of the story through Fred O. Bell the team’s captain and uncle of Associate Producer Eugenia Care. The flight crew went on to perform in National airshows across the country entertaining thousands of elated spectators and helping recruit new pilots to the U.S. Army.

Cameron was so impressed after meeting Fred and listening to many of his funny anecdote’s during his years with the team describing flight rehearsals, near misses and just the pure pleasure of flying cowgirl and cowboy-dressed helicopters too square dance music. It’s every filmmaker’s dream to tell a story that has never been told before. “Do Si Do in the Sky” is that dream.

Cameron Mitchell Productions is on the verge of completing “Do Si Do In The Sky” The documentary short. They want to share their vision with the enthusiastic aviation community and to enlighten everyone about this unique part of Americana, but they need your help! Currently The producers have launched an internet crowdsourcing campaign with Indiegogo to pay for post- production fees that include: Licensing and stock footage costs, film festivals fees, marketing and advertising fees, editing research and producer salaries. They are offering special premiums & rewards for different donation levels that will help them meet their financial goals.

To learn more about the film, the production team and to donate to their campaign, please visit:

Listen to a podcast featuring an interview with the producers and Fred O. Bell the pilot in the film.

  See also

US US Army Aviation





Helicopters for sale
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