Holloman AFB

Alamogordo , New Mexico

usa USA

Satellite and aerial maps of Holloman AFB with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Mesa Verde Ranch Strip , New Mexico 10.80317NM1
Alamogordo-White Sands Regional , New Mexico 10.8097KALM
Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center , New Mexico 17.8063
White Sands Museum , New Mexico 62.6214
Las Cruces Memorial Medical Center , New Mexico 85.8223NM77
Las Cruces , New Mexico 98.8230KLRU

  Holloman AFB

32° 51' 9.00'' N     106° 6' 21.61'' W
Alamogordo, New Mexico

See Holloman PJ stories with the New Mexico State Police Search and Rescue Team.

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  List of units at Holloman AFB

Years Unit
1993/9948th RQSS-70 H-60,

  Holloman AFB News

Bell Demonstrates HSVTOL Technology at Holloman AFB

Bell Demonstrates HSVTOL Technology at Holloman AFB

10-Feb-24 - Bell demonstrates its High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) technology at Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico #HSVTOL
Bell Begins HSVTOL Testing at Holloman AFB

Bell Begins HSVTOL Testing at Holloman AFB

13-Sep-23 - The Bell High-Speed Vertical Takeoff and Landing (HSVTOL) test article was delivered Holloman Air Force Base for risk reduction demonstration and technology evaluation #HSVTOL

List of aircraft and events at Holloman AFB

1978 USAF UH-1N 69-6619
1978 40th ARRS UH-1N 69-6629

1988 USAF UH-1N 69-6629

1995-jul Army OH-58A 72-21106
1995-oct Army OH-58A 70-15398

1997-oct-01 USAF HH-60G ?

2006-may-25 Filming TransformersUSAF CV-22B 04-0027
2006-may-26 Filming Transformers AS350B2 N8286Z

2007-oct-27 CV-22B 04-0027

2015-nov-18 429 N1SP

Helicopters for sale
Future helicopters
Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
