
Air Ambulances Requests $363M Emergency Fund

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) requested a $363M emergency funding to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in order to ensure the sustainability of the community’s labor force through the next six months

Air Ambulances Requests $363M Emergency Fund
AAMS, April 09, 2020 - Alexandria, VA – The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), representing the air medical transport industry submitted a letter this week to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar with an urgent request to rapidly distribute money to emergency air medical providers from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund.

In order to ensure the sustainability of the air ambulance community’s labor force through the challenges of the next six months, air ambulance labor costs will increase by an estimated 50%.

AAMS anticipates a total six-month need of $254,424.00 per aircraft, for a total allocation of $363,571,425.00.

“Like other segments of the health care industry, air medical providers are incurring significant labor and other cost increases stemming from our members’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Cameron Curtis, AAMS President & CEO. “This public health emergency has exacerbated the already precarious viability of emergency air providers across the country and threatens the closure of additional air medical bases at a time when this service is acutely needed,” she added.

In the April 6 letter to Secretary Azar, Curtis and AAMS Board Chair Deborah Boudreaux report a nearly 50% decline in patient transport volume with fewer people requiring services owing to ‘stay at home’ and ‘social distancing.’ However, air services must remain a state of readiness for patients with emergency medical and trauma needs as well as COVID-19 patients needing transport to medical centers of excellence.

AAMS continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic in partnership with the EMS COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Working Group, hosted by the NHTSA Office of EMS and includes CDC, DHS, and DHHS Office of Preparedness, as well as multiple National EMS affiliated associations. AAMS provides updates and resources for its members and the public www.AAMS.org.

About AAMS: Established in 1980, the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), is an international trade association headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area.

AAMS is a non-profit 501C (6) trade association that represents and advocates on behalf of its membership to enhance their ability to delivery quality, safe, and effective medical care and medical transportation for every patient in-need. The 2020 Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) will be held November 2-4, 2020, in Music City Center, Nashville, TN.

  See also

List of Coronavirus outbreak
US Congress Aids Part 135/145 Aircraft Business
CAMTS Relaxes Standards During Coronavirus Outbreak
Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act





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