NEWS | 412 in ES Pegasus Aero Group

Milestone Provides FAASA Two Bell 412 Firefighters

Milestone leased 2 Bell 412SP to Spain’ FAASA for firefighting services. Both helicopters were previously on lease in Brazil for offshore oil and gas support

Milestone Provides FAASA Two Bell 412 Firefighters
Milestone Aviation, October 02, 2017 - Dublin, Ireland – Milestone Aviation Group Limited, the global leader in helicopter leasing, announced today that it has entered into an agreement to lease two B412SP helicopters to FAASA Aviacion S.A. of Spain to support their expanded firefighting services.

The two helicopters owned by Milestone, were previously on lease to a Brazilian operator and utilized in oil and gas support missions. The helicopters are currently in Spain, where FAASA is carrying out reconfiguration work to facilitate the new firefighting mission.

“Milestone is proud to begin a new partnership with FAASA, a long established and respected helicopter operator and service provider,” said Milestone Commercial Vice President for Europe, Sebastien Moulin. “We are very pleased to provide the helicopters that meet their needs, and again prove the versatility of this asset class transitioning helicopters from a primarily oil and gas mission to a firefighting mission.”

“FAASA has a fifty-year history of providing safe and reliable helicopter utility services,” said Hector Tamarit Almagro, CEO. “We operate a fleet of over 80 helicopters in both Europe and South America– Milestone is an ideal leasing partner for us with a truly global team and a diverse fleet of helicopters. We look forward to continuing to partner with Milestone as we innovate our business.”

About Milestone Aviation Group: Milestone Aviation Group, a GE Capital Aviation Services company, is the world’s leading helicopter leasing and financing company. Milestone has a fleet of helicopters worth over US $4.0 billion plus a loan portfolio and debt commitments of approximately $400 million. The company has a forward order book of firm and option aircraft with an estimated aggregate purchase price in excess of US $3 billion. Milestone partners with helicopter operators worldwide, providing a wide array of financial and productivity solutions, including operating leases, purchase/leasebacks, secured debt financing, engine leasing and fleet advisory. The company supports over 35 customers in more than 30 countries serving a variety of industries, including offshore oil and gas, search and rescue, emergency medical services, police surveillance, mining and other utility missions.

  See also

412 in ES Pegasus Aero Group
412 in IE Milestone Aviation





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