NEWS | Airbus H130

H130 Ferries Over 3,700 Pilgrims to Kedarnath

Ghodawat Aviation’s H130/EC130T2 successfully transported over 3,700 pilgrims in 40 days to the Kedarnath Temple in India located at a 11,000 ft / 3,350 m altitude

H130 Ferries Over 3,700 Pilgrims to Kedarnath
Airbus Helicopters, October 19, 2016 - Ghodawat Aviation, the aviation division of Sanjay Ghodawat Group has successfully transported over 3,700 pilgrims in 40 days to the holy site of Kedarnath in its newly acquired state-of-the-art H130 helicopter.

“We are happy that the pilgrims can enjoy a smooth and safe ride while also admiring the breathtaking view of the Himalayas,” said Sanjay Ghodawat, Chairman of Ghodawat Aviation. “The platform offers the latest technology and safety features and has proved to be a truly economical solution.”

Kedarnath located at 11,000 ft. is one of the most demanding spots in the Himalayas for helipilgrimage operations, where pilots have to fly over treacherous mountainous terrains in crosswinds of 25kts to 40kts.

“The H130 has exemplified its operational competence at the high altitudes and extreme climatic conditions of the Himalayas. We are delighted to see that the aircraft is living up to our customer’s expectations in terms of performance, reliability and flight comfort,” said Xavier Hay, President, Airbus Helicopters Division in India. “We look forward to supporting Ghodawat Aviation as they expand their commercial operations.”

Airbus Helicopters’ lightweight multi-role H130 has a spacious cabin for one pilot and seats up to seven passengers. The largest of any single-engine rotorcraft in the world yet the quietest in its category, the H130 is suited for a wide range of missions, including passenger transportation, sightseeing, medical airlift, law enforcement and search and rescue. Equipped with the Fenestron shrouded tail rotor and powered by the Arriel 2D engine, the H130 is operating at Vaishnav Devi besides Kedarnath.

Location : IN Kedarnath Temple

  See also

Airbus H130
IN India





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