NEWS | S-70B in BR Força Aeronaval da Marinha do Brasil

Brazilian Navy Fires Missile for MISSILEX 2016

Brazilian Navy S-70B Seahawk fired Penguin antiship missiles during exercise MISSILEX 2016

Brazilian Navy Fires Missile for MISSILEX 2016
Brazilian Navy, April 21, 2016 - From April 11 to 20, the Brazilian Navy conducted Operation MISSILEX 2016 in the maritime area between Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Vitória (ES) under the coordination of the Fleet’s First Division (ComDiv-1).

The Operation involved missile launches on the hull of the ex-corvette Frontin (V33) with the purpose of sinking it under the Operational Evaluation of the S-70B Seahawk, named locally the SH-16.

The Task Group consisted of the frigates Union (F45), Constitution (F42) and Rademaker (F49), the Landing Ship NDCC Admiral Saboia (G25), helicopters AH-11 (Lynx), UH-13 (HB355), SH-16 (Seahawk), UH-15 (Caracal) and fighter jets AF-1 (A-4 Skyhawk) with the assistance of a patrol aircraft P-3AM Orion of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB).

In the afternoon of April 12, two Seahawks SH-16, recently acquired by the Brazilian Navy and belonging to the 1st Squadron of Antisubmarine Helicopters (HS-1) launched two air-surface missiles AGM-119 Penguin causing significant damage to the target.

The frigate Union (F45) finished the job by the the means of a surface-to-surface antiship missile Exocet.

Brazilian Navy Fires Missile for MISSILEX 2016

Brazilian Navy Fires Missile for MISSILEX 2016

  See also

S-70B in BR Força Aeronaval da Marinha do Brasil
HS-1 BR 1 esquadrao de helicopteros anti-submarino Força Aeronaval da Marinha do Brasil     Brazilian Navy
BR Frontin ( V33, Inhaúma class )
BR União ( F45, Niteroi class )
BR Constituição ( F42, Niteroi class )
BR Rademaker ( F49, Greenhalgh class )
BR NDCC Almirante Saboia ( G25, Round Table class )
Brazilian Seahawk Sinks Corvette





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