NEWS | NH90 TTH in ES Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra

Spanish Army Accepts First Two NH90

Spanish Army Aviation (FAMET) held a ceremony at Colmenar Viejo for the official introduction into service of the first 2 NH90 (HT-29 Caimán)

Spanish Army Accepts First Two NH90
Ejercito de Tierra Español, September 13, 2016 - The Spanish Army has presented today at "Coronel Maté" base in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) the first two NH-90 latest generation helicopters that are added to the fleet of the Army Airmobile Forces (FAMET).

With this arrival, "We end and materialize all the efforts to equip the armed forces with a modern helicopter to make them more operational, is an entirely digital platform with more maneuverability" said head of the FAMET, General Garcia Blazquez.

After the official ceremony conducted by the head of the Logistics Support Command Lieutenant General Garcia Sanchez, the two helicopters flew to Agoncillo in La Rioja, homebase of the Manoeuvre Helicopter Battalion III (BHELMA III).

The new helicopters are assembled at the Airbus factory in Albacete incorporating many systems designed and produced entirely in Spain which is also a boost to the domestic industry.

The HT-29 Caimán (Cayman), as is locally known, is at the forefront of all technical advances and will replace an aging fleet of helicopters. Their introduction will be gradual, at a rate of 3 aircraft per year until 2023 with a total of 16 units. During that time, they will coexist with the HU-10 (UH-1H Huey), Agusta/Bell 212 and the Super Puma all which will they gradually be replacing.

  See also

NH90 TTH in ES Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra
ES BHELMA III Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra     Spanish Army Aviation
Spanish Army Takes Receipt of First NH90s





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