NEWS | ODNR US Ohio Department of Natural Resources State of Ohio

Ohio Department of Natural Resources New Helicopter

PAC International completes a new Bell 505 helicopter for Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife

Ohio Department of Natural Resources New Helicopter
PAC International, July 28, 2022 - PAC International recently completed a new Bell 505 for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. The new aircraft will provide enhanced support to the wildlife management and law enforcement operations of the Division of Wildlife.

The aircraft features a factory G1000 integrated avionics suite, GTX345R ADS-B In and Out, GTR225B VHF Communication, GRA55 radar altimeter system, and USB power ports. Additional features include a cargo hook system with external mirror and load weighing system, wire strike protection, crew slider windows, automatic door openers, high skid gear with full length flight steps and heavy-duty skid shoes, bear paws, air conditioning, a cabin heater, and custom paint.

Division of Wildlife Assistant Chief Pete Novotny said “With the recent purchase of the Bell 505 helicopter, the Division of Wildlife can continue to responsibly monitor Ohio’s incredible diversity of wildlife species and their habitats. Aerial work has been a crucial factor in conserving and improving wildlife resources over the last few decades and will continue to shape the Division of Wildlife’s work for decades to come.”

About PAC International : PAC International is a subsidiary of Metro Aviation, Inc. PAC’s capabilities range from maintenance to sheet metal, composites, avionics, paint, component repair, and overhaul.

With more than 40 years of experience, PAC delivers high-quality services that exceed requirements and expectations.

Aircraft mentioned in this article :
505 Jet Ranger X N550NR     ( State of Ohio )

  See also

ODNR US Ohio Department of Natural Resources State of Ohio





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