NEWS | H125/H130 in US Airbus Helicopters Inc

StartStick in the Fly-Away Kit of New H125 and H130

Aviation Battery Systems (ABS) agreement with Airbus USA to include the StartStick portable power as part of the fly-away kit in new H125 and H130 helicopters

StartStick in the Fly-Away Kit of New H125 and H130
Aviation Battery Systems, November 02, 2016 - For years, helicopter operators have asked for improved portable battery solutions for ramp and field operations alike.

Now, Aviation Battery Systems (ABS) of Chandler, Arizona, has arranged with Airbus Helicopters of Grand Prairie, Texas, to include the StartStick as part of the fly-away kit with new deliveries of light single helicopters including the popular H125 and H130 models.

This effort means cutting-edge, portable auxiliary power is available for every flight, and is a value-add for new aircraft owners.

“We are committed to helping aircraft owners and OEMs [original equipment manufacturers] alike achieve maximum operational effectiveness, and are excited to partner with Airbus Helicopters U.S. in this effort,” says ABS’ Scott Urschel. “The StartStick series of stowable start batteries is the best technology of its kind, in a lightweight, reliable package.”

StartStick portable power is not only peace of mind; it’s a critical piece of mission equipment improvement. An aircraft unable to leave a medical scene, rooftop helipad or platform due to main battery issues is not only a major availability problem, but also a potential life safety threat to air medical patients.

Recognizing this challenge, ABS has developed and fielded this new class of rugged, lightweight ‘StartStick’ stowable start batteries.

The StartStick comes in two versions; a 10-pound standard StartStick and 14-pound StartStick fleet model. Each unit can provide multiple starts of single- and twin-engine helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft before recharge, via standard ground power units (GPU) power ports on a range of aircraft.

Unlike other battery products in the market, StartStick comes with a comprehensive two-year warranty.

StartStick is ideal for unsupported landing zones. At fixed bases, crews simply walk out to the aircraft, plug in the StartStick and power up for the mission. For avionics work, the StartStick can be run as aux power supply. Heavy GPUs are no longer needed.

Units are designed for years of reliable field service with an industry-leading warranty, and have achieved the very demanding UNDOT durability certification.

StartStick can be recharged during flight via onboard 28-volt connections, or plugged into a hangar wall socket. An integrated charger provides full redundancy and internal microprocessor with readout gives on-condition assessment of state of charge.

Urschel, a high-time commercial helicopter pilot, says, “ABS is committed to improving the helicopter industry via the fielding of new technologies. We know the frustration of a dead battery in the midst of flight ops. Whether the main battery is degraded due to age, or power left on during a static PR event, reality is that anyone and any program type can experience unexpected battery failures.”

ABS reports that a variety of air medical, corporate, fire/utility and airborne law enforcement programs are all deploying the StartStick, filling the critical need for mission reliability and showing importance of portable, lightweight power source offerings for helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.

  See also

H125/H130 in US Airbus Helicopters Inc
helicopter Helicopters Battery
ABS US Aviation Battery Systems State of Arizona
2,000th StartStick Portable Battery Delivered





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