NEWS | AW169 in IT Carabinieri

Trakka Searchlight for Carabinieri AW169 Helicopters

Trakka TLX Searchlight for the Italian Carabinieri new Leonardo AW169 helicopters

Trakka Searchlight for Carabinieri AW169 Helicopters
Trakka, January 04, 2024 - Arla, Sweden – Trakka Systems, a leading provider of mission-critical vision technology for law enforcement and government agencies, today announced the successful deployment of its TrakkaBeam® TLX high-intensity searchlight on the AW169M helicopters used by the Carabinieri national police force of Italy. The Italian Carabinieri have received 5 AW169M’s and the option for 11 additional helicopters in the same configuration.

The Carabinieri has chosen to augment its aviation capabilities with TrakkaBeam® TLX’s integrated into AW169M helicopter. Renowned for exceptional performance, TrakkaBeam® searchlights adhere to the highest aviation qualification standards, including DO-160 and Mil-Spec 810.

The new TrakkaBeam® searchlights provide the Carabinieri with unparalleled performance and versatility for their nighttime operations, including search and rescue, surveillance, and crime prevention. The advanced searchlight features exceptional illumination, delivering 22,000 lumens of white light, able to illuminate large areas with exceptional clarity. The compact and lightweight design seamlessly integrates with various helicopter platforms, minimizing drag and maximizing efficiency making the systems ideal for multi-mission performance.

Trakka Searchlight for Carabinieri AW169 Helicopters
Trakka TLX Searchlight

Fabio Presicce, Vice President of Business Development Europe at Trakka Systems said “ We are incredibly proud to have partnered with Leonardo to equip the Carabinieri helicopters with our cutting-edge TrakkaBeam TLX searchlight. This deployment milestone underscores our commitment to providing law enforcement agencies with the most advanced technology available to enhance their operational effectiveness and ensure the safety of their personnel and communities.”

The deployment of the TrakkaBeam TLX on the Carabinieri AW169M helicopters was showcased at the recent European Rotors 2023 event, further solidifying Trakka Systems’ position as a leader in mission-critical vision technology solutions for the law enforcement community.

  See also

AW169 in IT Carabinieri
US Trakka Systems





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