NEWS | VH-92A in US US Marine Corps

Five Marine One VH-92A Lot III Ordered

Sikorsky awarded $478M contract for Lot III and last of VH-92A “Marine One” Presidential Helicopters which covers 5 Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) aircraft, part of the 23 aircraft program, to be delivered by December 2023

Lot I (six helicopters) was awarded valued $542M on June 2019 and Lot II (another six) valued $470M on February 2020. These 17 new-built aircraft completed the production part of the contract

Five Marine One VH-92A Lot III Ordered
Defense.gov, February 09, 2021 - Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a Lockheed Martin Co., Stratford, Connecticut, is awarded a $478,605,019 firm-fixed-price modification (P00102) to a previously awarded contract (N0001914C0050).

This modification exercises options for the procurement of five Lot Three low rate initial production Presidential Helicopters Replacement Program (VH-92A) aircraft, and associated interim contractor support, two cabin interior reconfiguration kits, support equipment, initial spares, and system parts replenishment.

Work will be performed in :

- Stratford, Connecticut (50%);
- Coatesville, Pennsylvania (36%);
- Owego, New York (10%);
- Patuxent River, Maryland (2%);
- Phoenix, Arizona (1%);
- Quantico, Virginia (1%)

Work is expected to be completed in December 2023.

Fiscal 2021 aircraft procurement (Navy) funds in the amount $478,605,019 will be obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.

The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.


Keep the Sikorsky contracts coming The work is great
Could this be an option and if not Why? Sikorsky–Boeing SB-1 Defiant Cruise speed of 250 kn (290 mph; 460 km/h Radius requirement of 229 nmi (264 mi; 424 km) SB-1 Defiant is designed to carry 4 crew members and up to 12 passengers.
        Why not? As a journalist maybe take even the most cursory look into it's (and all other rigid rotor coax designs) performance, or lack thereof, to date. Not to mention the immense vibration issues with every single iteration of the configuration.
Should have ordered Sikorsky in the first place. 🚁🚁🚁
        Agree ... such a waste if money and time
The First round was a whopping $13B failure http://calleam.com/WTPF/?p=3029
        Marine One, will cost $400 million. That price tag is more than the one for the most recent Boeing 747 jetliner outfitted to serve as Air Force One in 1990.
        And the fact each helicopter would cost more than a single presidential 747. Now that’s scary.
        The US101 program was up And running at westlands. I was there on a blade course and at the end of a hangar there was a high security end with three fully built 101’s, the disaster as some have called it came from the continued change in requirement (tail rotor build) one example. The other side is the diplomatic wrangling that went on and still goes on in any country as there is pressure to support your own industries! Personally fit for purpose at the right cost should be what governments should look at with an added service/spares plan and start spending tax payers money wisely
        it was made by Westlands Helicopters and was a disaster.
        Yes ... it was during the 1st round ... I think it started back in 2003 ...
        Do you mean this one ? https://www.helis.com/database/model/VH-71-Kestrel/

  See also

VH-92A in US US Marine Corps
Six Marine One VH-92A Lot II Ordered
Sikorsky Legacy to Build Presidential Helicopters





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