NEWS | H125 in CL Ecocopter

Sentinels of the Volcanoes in Chile

Chilean helicopter operator Ecocopter supports the volcano monitoring systems in the Andes with its Airbus H125

Sentinels of the Volcanoes in Chile
Ecocopter, May 06, 2023 - Santiago de Chile - Chile is one of the countries with the largest number of volcanoes on the planet and being located in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, monitoring becomes essential not only to be alert, but also so that when an emergency occurs there is a protocol already in place in order to save the lives of people and try to protect the environment.

In our country there are about 3,000 volcanoes in an extension of 4,300 kilometers of continental land, in addition to the Antarctic and insular territory.

That is why, from time to time, columns of smoke, ashes and subway noises take over places near these living massifs, generating from their craters a natural beauty but also massive evacuations of people.

Chilean volcanic experts recognize that of the total number of volcanoes there are 90 that are "active", of which 42 could explode at any moment. It is for this reason that Ecocopter helicopters provide aerial support for the maintenance, monitoring and protection of an extensive National Volcanic Surveillance Network (RNVV) belonging to the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN).

This important technological tool located in the heart of the Andes Mountains provides authorities with timely information for disaster management in a volcanic emergency and is essential for making decisions focused on the safety and protection of the public.

"As Ecocopter we provide complete logistics for the successful monitoring of the volcanic surveillance network between the Maule and Los Lagos regions, with all the safety standards for the transfer and evacuation, if necessary, of the volcanic experts. In these operations we use the AS 350 B3/H125 helicopter, which is an aircraft that can fly at high altitude, has power, stability and versatility when maneuvering in the high mountain range," says Francisco Arriagada, Ecocopter's Commercial Manager.

This important network includes the establishment of real-time surveillance of 45 of the 90 volcanoes considered geologically active in national territory. It is with this mission that the helicopters and their expert crews play a key role in reaching the high mountain peaks with the professional volcanologists to carry out maintenance of the seismological stations and rescue the data stored there.

"We know that our helicopters and their pilots play a key role in this process of maintenance and rescue of information from the monitoring stations. With the
professionalism, safety and technology that we have, we make each of the missions a success," Arriagada concludes.

Although the monitoring stations are geo-referenced, snow can completely change the physiognomy of the landscape, but with the expertise of the pilots and the versatility of the aircraft, we ensure the success of each mission.

About Ecocopter : A company that meets the need to provide efficient and fast aerial solutions to solve the most diverse situations, providing highly complex helicopter services in passenger transport, cargo, off-shore, forest fire fighting and aeromedical transfers in Chile, Ecuador and Peru, among other services. In addition, Ecocopter has one of the most modern fleets in the Southern Cone, has its own Maintenance Center (CMA) and an Engine Workshop (Safran Turbomeca), a category 5+ flight simulator, which allows to have the equipment available for a quick response to the demands of the operation.

Sentinels of the Volcanoes in Chile
Andes Mountains volcanoes

  See also

H125 in CL Ecocopter





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