2005 to present

germany Christoph 63 (ADAC)

ADAC Luftrettung

ADAC Air Rescue

ADAC took over the Christoph Leipzig service on 1 Nov 2005. In Jul 2012, the sevice was renamed Christoph 63.
previous Christoph Leipzig from IFA

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2007-    Luftrettungszentrum Doelzig
2005/07Leipzig HalleEDDP

helicopter   Models

Years Models
2010-    EC135
2005/10 Bk117

Christoph 63 (ADAC) List of helicopters

C/N VersionBuilt
7073 bk117a3 1986
D-HSMA 2007-08Leipzig Halle type:B2 Christoph Leipzig
2007-12Luftrettungszentrum Doelzig type:B2 Christoph Leipzig
0875 ec135p2+ 2010
D-HGWD 2011-12Klinikum Altendorf noted as Christoph Leipzig at Chemnitz
2012-06Luftrettungszentrum Doelzig
2013-10Uniklinik Leipzig (L1) noted at UKL1 Leipzig
2014-04Universitaetsklinikum Dresden noted at Dresden
2016-07Klinikum Altendorf noted at Chemnitz
2018-02Klinikum Merseburg noted at Merseburg
2018-10Klinikum Plauen noted at Plauen
2019-06Klinikum Doebeln noted at Klinikum Doebeln
2020-08CHX63 Leipzig Halle
2020-09CHX63 Leipzig Halle
2020-11Luftrettungszentrum Doelzig noted at Doelzig Luftrettung base
2024-03 Luftrettungszentrum Doelzig
2024-04 St. Elisabeth Hospital Leipzig
2024-05 St. Elisabeth Hospital Leipzig
2024-06 Klinikum Merseburg

Helicopters for sale
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Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
