RAF Greenham Common

Newbury , Berkshire , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Greenham Common with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Denison Barracks , England 8.5356EGN10
Beacon Hill (Hants) , England 8.8209
Basingstoke and N Hants Hospital , England 15.9132EGA63
Bramley , England 16.3111
Bourne Park , England 17.8224
Popham , England 20.8170EGHP

  Greenham Common

51° 22' 43'' N     1° 16' 56'' W
Newbury, Berkshire, England
Elevation: 398 feet

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List of aircraft and events at Greenham Common

By Date | By Serial | By Model

MK43062 27jun81
SA321G122 27jun81
SA321G122 / D 01jun81
CH-136136224 31jul76
CH-136136236 31jul76
SA321G137 25jun77
SA321G163 31jul76
AB204B227 25jun77
MK25263 23jun79
MK25264 31may80
MK27276 22jul83
SA342M3864 24jul83
CH-54A68-18455 08jul73
HH-53C69-5796 27jun81
UH-1N69-6607 27jun81
UH-1D72+29 23jun79
UH-1D73+42 25jun97
UH-1D73+58 31jul76
UH-1D73+69 31jul76
UH-1D7342 26jun77
CH-47C76-22677 23jun79
CH-53G84+38 23jun79
CH-53G84+91 31jul76
MK4189+60 23jul83
MK4189+68 25jun77
MK4189+71 23jul83
MK418968 26jun77
SE3160A-350 31may79
SE3160A-351 31may79
SE3160A-499 01jun81
HSS-1B4 27jun81
HSS-1B4 / OT-ZKD 26jun77
UltralightG-AOUJ 27jun81
AB206AG-AWGU 01jul73
AB206AG-AWJW 07jul73
47HG-AZYB 01jul74
206BG-BASE 28jun81
269C / 300G-BAUF 23jun79
SA341GG-BAZL jul74
AS350BG-PORR 27jun81
369HMH-207 23jun79
SE3160M-071 23jun79
SE3160M-439 27jun81
AB212MM81128 23jul83
MK50N16-125 / 26jun77
MK48RS05 01jun81 27jun81
S-61A-1U-280 27jun81
HAR.4XJ407 23jun79
Skeeter 7XL814 jun79
Skeeter 7XM556 26jun77
SE3130 XN132 25jun77 26jun77
HAR10XP328 26jun77
HAR10XP359 23jun79 27jun81
SE3130 XR379 31jul76
HC.2XR501 27jun81
HU.5XS507 / R-N 23jul83
AB47G-3BXT131 31may80
SiouxXT202 31jul76
HU.5XT449 31may80
HU.5XT459 31jul76
HU.5XT466 27jun81
HU.5XT471 27jun81
HC.2XT672 31jul76
S-61D-1XV371 29jul76
HAS.1XV697 / CU-593 01jul73
HCC.4XV732 27jun81
HCC.4XV733 23jun79
SA330EXW202 31jul76
SA330EXW215 23jun79
SA330EXW228 31jul76
SA330EXW235 23jun79
AH.1XW280 27jun81
AH.1XW613 25jun77
AH.1XW614 31jul76
HT.3XW855 24jun79
HT.2XW864 28jun81
HT.3XW870 31jul76
AH.1XW885 jun81
HT.2XW891 24jun79
HT.3XW898 31jul76
HT.3XW902 23jun79
HT.3XW910 31jul76
HT.3XX374 31jul76
HT.3XX396 31jul76
HT.3XX406 31jul76
AH.1XX444 27jun81
AH1XZ174 27jun81
AH1XZ203 23jun79 31may80
HAS.2XZ230 27jun81
HAS.2XZ232 29may79
AH.1XZ341 23jun79 31may80
HAR.3XZ588 23jun79
HAR.3ZA105 27jun81 28jun81
HC.4ZA297 27jun81

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